Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Hello 2012! Im excited for this year, more so, Im excited to see what God is going to do in our lives! So far, we are a week and a half into the year and we have celebrated Wyatt's first birthday. Time is starting to fly! This year I really need to relax and try to live in the moment more. Its hard for me to give up controll of everything and just enjoy life.

Wyatts Party was a blast! He was surrounded by all his family, he loved to play in the cake, he wasnt quite sure of the taste, so he didnt eat much of it. Next weekend we will celebrate Noah's third birthday! I can not believe I have a THREE year old. It just doenst seem possible. He is turning into such a young man! oh man, how i love those kiddos!

Over the past few months Wyatt has started have chronic ear infections. The decision was made yesterday to finally put tubes in his ears. Im not nervous about the proceedure, as Noah has had it done twice; we also have a fantastic ENT. I have never met someone who loves his job more than he does. We are super excited for Wyatt to start feeling better, he just hasnt been his self since all of this began.

Our Christmas was wonderful. The kids recieved way to many gifts, so did i! I do not like surprises very much and Keith pulled one over on me this year. On Christmas eve, I was handed a very sweet, lovey dovey, mushie card, at the end it told me to look in the shadows of the tree...where i found my favorite photo from our wedding day...on the back was a note to see the "little one" who tells Santa if you have been naughy or nice.... I swiftly ran to lil elfie who was sitting on the counter covered in marshmellos. I looked and Keith and was confused, there wasnt a note or any other clues... he said look around... i dug in the marshmellos to fine a diamond band. I was in shock!! Its beautiful! For those of you who dont know, before this, i had not wore a wedding ring in almost a year because of all the weight i had gained with Wyatt. I picked up this ring and put it on my finger, looked at Keith with these big tears in my eyes, and he told me he just wanted everyone to know that I was his! He has such a wonderful heart and I cant imagine life without him.

This year is going to be great!

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