Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Well in the middle of September, Keith and I have found out we are having a Boy!!! We are super excited! His name will be Noah Riley Cothran! As if finding out we were having a baby didnt change our lives, when we found out it was a boy, it majorly changed our lives. At our last check up he was measuring big for his age, he was suppose to be 10 oz and he was measuring 14oz. Since then Noah has been kicking and swiming and having lots of fun in my belly. He always seems to be doing something in there, I hope that isnt a forecast for the future! :) Just as Noah grows I am too! At the alst appointment I had gained 5 more pounds so that puts me at 9 pounds all together which isnt that bad i guess. Hope everyone is doing well... I will update the pictures soon!

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